Further Reading

Monday 18 January 2010

Wake Up Call!

It's time to wake up! To see what is around you, now, in plain view. To see what is happening around you. More so now than ever before. Poisons in water, in food ... to suppress and dumb mankind down to a point of submission. Chemical lobotomy of the masses. There is a devious and secretive force within mankind, emotionless, and without a care for the consequences of its actions as it malevolently holds mankind in its fascist thralldom. This force is running scared, is short of time ... and is getting desperate. Hence the reason why it is becoming increasingly more open with its controlling tactics. Become aware of the toxins and the suppressants in the foods, in the water; of the electromagnetic soup that is circumnavigating this planet. It is an intentional attempt to disrupt our biochemical electromagnetic fields and change our thinking. The force is taking away our right of freewill ... and forcing us to accept the reality THEY want. Wake up ... and think for yourself. Be wary of all decisions you make. Of all 'reactions' you make to the environment around you that you live in. Chances are ... your decisions are not your own actions but programmed reactions. Think clearly ... and be wary of what you digest. It is always the darkest before dawn ... and we are now in the early stages of that darkness. It will only get worse before it gets better. Much worse.