Further Reading

Monday 4 January 2010

Watcher at the Window

Dream Sequence
Mon 4th January 2010

The dream sequence introduced a familiar room with five beds laid out in various places within the room. The largest bed, in the room, was placed beneath the sole window to the room which was located to the left of the entrance into the bedroom. The dream sequence continued with the sense of waking up in the larger bed beneath the window. A woman on a pair of vertical parallel strings was witnessed outside the window. The initial reaction was the woman was a 'window cleaner'. She was observed to lose her balance as the right hand string appeared to buckle and she fell towards the right hand side of the window. Moments later she'd re-established the balance of the two strings and watched from her 'station' outside the window. There was a sense of being disinterested in her presence; the action then of turning over in the bed before going back to sleep. Later in the dream sequence the room was once more the focus of attention. There was a sense of 'only having two days left' ... and the need to contact a close friend to organise a night out 'like in the old days' (The problem being the 'close friend' to be contacted had actually died around 15 years ago). The sequence then led to the bathroom where a father figure (Who'd died nearly 8 years ago) had just finished having a wash in the bathroom. A return to the bedroom once more, when the realisation of the dream meaning surfaced --- Matthew James