Further Reading

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Why 'The Secret' May Not Be Working For You ...

The Law of Attraction has become known as ‘the secret’ since the release of Rhonda Byrne’s best selling book The Secret. The Law of Attraction is not new to the Personal Development industry or to the spiritual seeker. For thousands of years the mystics, sages and spiritual teachers have known only too well the Universal Law of Attraction.

The early Babylonian/Jewish mysticism known as the Kabbalah, which is based on the teachings of Abraham over two and half thousand years ago talks extensively about reincarnation and the Law of Attraction. Some of histories great philosophers and teachers including Gallileo, Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Leibniz, Pico della Mirandola, Sir Francis Bacon, Carl Jung and Plato studied the Kabbalah and understood the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction basically means that what we think, feel and believe we create. What we broadcast out to the universe in the form of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs we ‘attract back’ to ourself. All thoughts, emotions and feelings are vibrations of energy. All vibrations of energy will be attracted to similar/like vibrations of energy.

If you think good, positive, loving thoughts you will attract those experiences into your reality. If you feel you are unworthy of making money or a loving relationship, this is what you will create. If you feel you are worthy of winning in sport that is what you create. If you feel that you never have enough money that is what you will create.

Is it really so simple? It is not so much what we think, as thoughts float into and out of our awareness, but what is crucial is how we feel. Our feelings mould our reality whether we like it or not.

So to create what you would like to create in your life you must feel the feeling of what it feels like to already have what you desire. Do not assume it is in the future, but feel as though you already have it. The subconscious mind does not determine between past, present or future. That is why all self affirmations and visualization techniques for manifestation use the present tense. We must feel what it feels like to have what we want – not focus on not having what we want.

Why does the Law of Attraction not always work? When we broadcast our thoughts, beliefs and feelings out to the universe we not only broadcast out what we are aware of (or conscious of) but we also broadcast out everything that lies in our subconscious and unconscious minds. The subconscious mind is where all our memories and experiences are stored since conception in the womb. The unconscious mind is also referred to as the Soul, and this is where all our memories from all the lives we have ever lived reside … read more