If you are unsure about what you want and clear about what you do not want, ask for assistance from your Higher Self and use the exercises in this workbook. This kind of situation usually means a need for some kind of emotional healing. It is following your excitement that guides you on your spiritual path. If your feelings are not easily available to you, some kind of emotional healing is needed to allow them to come more clearly into your consciousness. It is better to ask for help in any case, as you seek the path of greatest fulfilment.
In essence, fear is cause by a sense of separation from the universal life and loving spirit in which all of physical and non-physical manifestation is One. There are no exceptions to this. Learn to take note when you are feeling separate, whether from other people, nature, God or spirit. To be free of fear, you will need to be willing to allow different beliefs and concepts into your mind. This feeling of separation is a false perception built into third density experience but one you are capable of moving beyond. As earth moves through her ascension process we are all clearing fear from our systems and making room for more light, love and trust. Sometimes the clearing will take the form of physical illness.
Fear comes when you forget that light is a thousand times more powerful than darkness. And love is the most powerful force in the universe. If you attempt to solve a problem in an unloving way, either by not loving yourself, or by using unloving communications with another, you will probably feel fear. This is because self-betrayal is involved. If you balk at looking into the dark side of a situation, you will feel fear. This kind of fear disappears when you move straight into the unknown, willing to see and know what is there. The heart of the unknown is light even if you have to go through darkness to find it.
Fear can be caused by lack of trust in yourself. It can be caused by seeing others as potential victims (not trusting the divinity within them), fearing loss, forgetting the bigger picture in which all is divine, not setting personal boundaries, and so forth.
These are all examples of the results of accepting some kind of negative/limiting belief. In that area of life, it seems that fear is unavoidable. "Proofs" of this will be in your mind but what you have forgotten is that the "proofs" were collected after the decision to view yourself or the world in a certain way, usually in childhood; perhaps in a previous life. This can be changed with a re-decision. Fear is, in 99 cases out of 100, created by the way you are thinking/believing and has no basis in immediate external reality ... read more ...