Further Reading

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Defining 'Channelling'

For many, channelling is a new buzz word and it seems that everyone is doing it and many people are talking about it, reading about it and indeed relying upon it. But what is channelling and of what use and purpose is it? Does it have a spiritual role for humanity at this time? Is it a dangerous pastime that can mislead and create havoc in the lives of those who engage in it?

Channelling is not a new phenomenon and it is a skill that has been around since the dawn of time. In fact, many of our great contemporary teachings have come to us through this source, the ability to communicate with consciousness that is beyond the physical Earth plane. For example, A Course in Miracles, the works of Alice Bailey, Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch and Pathwork by Eva Pierrakos all came to us via the skill of channelling and are accepted mainstream works of spiritual greatness. Yet, even today, many are still guarded when it comes to channelling and there is much ignorance concerning the process.

Through many human religious, tribal, and spiritual traditions, there have always been those who have communed with the ancestors of seekers and with non-physical teachers and guides. Many of these have been called witch doctors and have been given a very bad name by established religion. Channelling, just like any other activity, has different levels of skill and therefore different levels of information.

So let us define channelling. In my view, there are different ways and forms of channelling. Because we as humans wish to have everything put into nice neat little boxes, we are placing onto channelling a system of definition that is very difficult to use once we move beyond the non-physical. Once it is understood that we are all physical extensions of non-physical beings, in other words, we are all souls having a human experience, it is difficult to know beyond that which we perceive in the physical, where we as an individual stop and another begins.

All spiritual teachings will tell you that at one level or another, we are all one. That is indeed the highest truth. As the physical extension of a non-physical being, it means there is a part of you, your soul, that is beyond that which you know in your conscious day to day living. It is a multi-dimensional part of yourself that traverses the full spectrum of consciousness from the experience of separation from the "whole" in the physical realms to the experience of "All That Is" at the Source. At these higher levels of awareness, it is very difficult to say 'you', 'me', 'him', and 'her' because a sense of self and individuality coincides with a sense of being One.

To understand this more fully, we must see ourselves as 'individuated' aspects of the whole. Most people still see God as a raincloud and themselves as a raindrop that has descended out of the raincloud of all that is. Owing to this view, the raindrop is seen as being separate from the raincloud, although still water, still of the same stuff, it is still seen as being separate. In reality, we are all physical extensions of a non-physical being, we are a part of God (Goddess-All That Is) that has extended itself into the experience of physical reality. It means that at the higher levels of your consciousness, you are God-Goddess-All That Is. Channelling is all about accessing that part of ourselves and giving it a voice and doing it consciously.

Each and every one of us has reached the channelling state of consciousness many times in our lives. It is a natural state of being and it feels like inspiration, enthusiasm, and sheer clarity of thought. You have all had the experience of talking to a friend on the phone, and all of a sudden a rush of words and advice, and total wisdom, seems to pour though you to that person.

Afterwards you are left saying to yourself, ' where did that come from?' Your motivation to assist, and your wish to open your heart in love at that moment, made you open and willing to reach beyond the you that you experience ordinary consciousness and to reach a greater part of yourself, you Soul Self … read more