Further Reading

Sunday 28 February 2010

Hillary Clinton steps into Falklands row after 'feeble' Obama fails to back Britain in stand-off with Argentina

U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton is due to meet with Argentina's president amid accusations of a snub to Britain over America's refusal to support the UK in the Falklands oil drilling row. Mrs Clinton is to meet Cristina Ferndandez de Kirchner in Uruguay on March 1, Argentina's ambassador to the U.S. has announced.

Hopes are high in Argentina that Mrs Clinton will intervene on the country's behalf in the row with Britain over the disputed territory. Respected Argentine newspaper La Nacion quoted State Department sources that claimed Mrs Clinton was 'prepared to mediate' in the row.

America's lack of support for Britain was last night blamed on the UK's decision to release sensitive U.S. intelligence on a terror suspect. President Barack Obama was accused of being 'feeble' by failing to back London in the stand-off with Argentina over the disputed islands, despite the 'special relationship'. London and Buenos Aires are at odds over UK firm Desire Petroleum's decision to drill for oil 60 miles north of the Falklands. Geologists estimate there are up to 60billion barrels of oil in the seabed.

The Argentine government has tabled a UN resolution condemning the plan. It has also secured backing from 32 South American nations supporting its claim that Britain has occupied the islands illegally since 1833. (Daily Mail) (Bet one of these nations is Chile - mmm, Chile & Argentina both have earthquakes days before 1st March ... and don't forget there was an issue with oil resources in Haiti and there was a large earthquake there too ... mmm, coincidental or what? MJ)