Further Reading

Saturday 27 February 2010

Just What Is Going On?

Just what is going on ... with two large earthquakes in the last 48 hours? Tsunami warnings exist now on both sides of the world ... anyone would think we're in current day Atlantis with the menace that appears to have been currently unleashed in the world. An agenda appears to have been really speeded up ... 'because they know the time is short'. Sitting on the outside looking is very interesting; as an observer it is possible to see all the events occurring that are seemingly not connected. But they are all linked, as part of the same agenda ... and these events seem to be some kind of last ditched attempt by an agency. The swine flu vaccines and the alarm relating to GM food; and toxins in water; and additives in food ... are all another seemingly desperate attempt to close the herd down and force their hand. Something major is afoot, that agencies do not want common mortal man to know about. Something they have no control over and are actually fearful; they are also fearful of common mortal man knowing that maybe 'help is at hand'. This seems to indeed be the 'darkness before the dawn' ....