Further Reading

Friday 19 February 2010

'Men in skirts' Paedophile Ring Exposed - But Not By The BBC

'The Scandalmongers Gazette is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert Greig, the brother of Hollie`s mother Feral Annie. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997. Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest ever took place and the cause of death was officially recorded as being due to smoke inhalation.

Conversely the actual Post Mortem report reveals that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum – injuries normally sustained by being beaten to near death with a pickaxe shaft. Independent professional medical opinion is of the view that Robert had alcohol forced down his throat, was battered into an unconscious state, then thrown into the burning vehicle.

Although not revealed at the time, following her Uncle’s unexplained death, Hollie told her mother that Robert had caught her father sexually abusing her and a confrontation had taken place – with threats of violence made against Robert.'

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