Further Reading

Monday 1 March 2010

Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

'What isn't mentioned above is the fact that the earth has its own magnetic field. The Illuminati know this, and try to locate their Capitals on the grid where the field is the strongest, believing that the location makes communication with the Spirit World more intense. In fact, almost every city in the world builds its street grid following the "ley lines", or lines on the grid which have the greatest electromagnetic energy. Usually, in the United States, this is Main Street and State Street. Just look for the street where many churches and fortune tellers are located.

So, HAARP takes huge amounts of energy directed at our ionosphere and bounces it back to earth. This disrupts the magnetic field and can cause a massive earthquake, like we just saw today in Chile. By the way, many of the recent earthquakes were preceded by colorful disruptions in the atmosphere characteristic of HAARP.' (Read more)