Further Reading

Friday, 19 March 2010

'How to read the Aura'

An aura is the three-dimensional energy field that surrounds the bodies of all beings and things. The healthier you are, the further the aura will extend out from your body.

How to read the Aura
Find a place where there isn't any harsh light. Focus on one part of your body, preferably your hand. Relax, concentrate on your hand lines. If you’re relaxed enough, you’ll see a certain colour. With time you might be able to see several colours.

Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically. One way to see someone's aura is to have the subject stand in front of a white background. If you look at the person for a while you’ll see some sort of wavy lines of energies, and also maybe a couple of aura colours. There is also another exercise. As far as I know, the author of the following exercise is unknown, but I’d appreciate it if you emailed me their name so I could give them credit.

“Stand in front of a mirror at a distance of about half a meter, with a wall of neutral colour some distance behind you. Alternatively, get a friend to stand about
1 metre away from you and 2 metres
from a neutral wall.
Relax, and breathe deeply and evenly. Focus your eyes on the wall behind the head.

Gently sway your body from side to side (or tell your friend to if looking at someone else). As you stare past the outline of the head, you should be able to see an envelope of light - it's an aura! The room and subject should be illuminated by subdued lighting, but not in darkness or direct sunlight. Do not worry if you cannot see colour at this stage, in time you may.”
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