Further Reading

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Law Of Abundance

The Law Of Abundance is clearly evident anywhere and everywhere you look. In fact, it like all other Universal Laws exists everywhere at all times and evidence of it's existence can be explored and examined at even greater depths that delve far deeper and clearly reveal the abundance of ALL things that are and have always been available to you that transcends the obvious physical abundance that abounds on earth.

Abundance exists and is thriving not only in the physical world that we can easily observe with our 5 human senses but beyond the physical in the unseen, metaphysical or spiritual realm as well.

When you choose to examine and explore The Law of Abundance at these greater depths, you can not only discover some powerful and life changing insights, but begin to "consciously" use them to begin personally experiencing the abundance that is and always has been available to you...without limitation.

The way in which the Law of Abundance operates...say for example in nature is the simplest way to become aware of it's unwavering and immutable operation.

The entire Universe was created in such a way that doesn't require any human help or intervention whatsoever in producing an Abundance of all things far in excess of what could ever possibly be utilized by our world.

It is evident by the photo above that the Source is capable of producing unlimited abundance without the need for mans limiting and often times destructive intervention.

This wondrous Law of Abundance is the universal principle that keeps our universe thriving, above and beyond comprehension of the average human mind.

Abundance abounds, not only on planet earth in the places that we are able to personally see and experience, but millions and trillions of light years into the cosmos as well. The universe is continually producing, growing, expanding and thriving in an endless cycle of plenty. Lack and Limitation are not perceived by this wondrous planet that we call earth.

The Law of Abundance stretches far beyond our limited physical comprehension although this understanding can be tapped into and benefited from once you become consciously aware of how and why it works the way it does. The most recent discoveries with respect to the Law of Abundance in a physical sense are made evident by recent photos received from the Hubble Telescope returning pictures to earth that clearly reveals what scientists refer to as black energy continually expanding outward creating new stars, planets, solar systems and dimensions.

As advanced as technology has become, discovering planets millions of miles into space, it is realized and admitted within the scientific community, that what scientists have discovered thus far, has barely scratched the surface as to what what lies outside of our limited technological boundaries. But what they have discovered is quite sufficient to convince even the greatest skeptic that the Law of Abundance abounds.

It is quite literally impossible to fathom the vastness of infinity and comprehend the abundance which exists outside of the realms of our human awareness. Even within the earths boundaries, new species of plant life, animals, and fish are being created and discovered everyday.

The Law Of Abundance abounds everywhere that we can see and beyond. Our Universe was created in such a way that abundance and plenty is all there is. Abundance is truly all that exists. The entire Universe, because of the Law of Abundance continually operating in it's unwavering and unfailing fashion knows no such thing as lack and limitation.

The quality of consciousness that you choose for yourself and are personally responsible for is derived through your individual thoughts. Based on the kind and quality of those thoughts which act as the seeds, the Law of Abundance has, does and will continue without fail to determine the kind and quality of the abundance that you'll receive based on the kind and quality of seed that it's provided to work with.

This is how the Law of Abundance was created to operate. It always does and always will produce abundance regardless of how you might perceive it individually. Here's how and why some might "perceive" the Law of Abundance to be somehow NOT working in their life. It ALL has to do with the quality of your consciousness.

If your thoughts (the seeds) are consistently focused on lack and limitation, you will, because the Law of Abundance never rests or wavers, receive an abundance of lack and limitation in your life. The Law Of Abundance is consistently acting and producing in the exact and precise manner that it was designed to by providing you with an Abundance of whatever it is that you are asking it (through the "thought seeds" that YOU choose to plant) to give you.

If you're predominant thoughts are focused on a lack of love in your relationships, the Law Of Abundance is operating in it's exact, precise, unwavering and non-prejudice manner, and is delivering to you exactly what it was created to do, and providing to you an abundance of what it is you are focusing on and directing (asking) it to give you.

If you are continually focused on and thinking about a lack of money and material resources, the Law Of Abundance is at work providing you with an Abundance of Lack of money and resources.

If you are continually thinking about sickness and disease, the Law Of Abundance is at work providing you with exactly what you are asking it to give you.

The Law of Abundance never rests or wavers. It, combined with The Law Of Growth , can only produce an abundance of whatever seeds it's provided to work with.

Your thoughts serve as the seeds that the Law of Abundance utilizes to produce an abundance of whatever you choose. By coming to a full understanding of the Universal Laws and principles that have existed since the beginning of time itself, you will be enabled to develop and come to a crystal clear understanding, that whatever you are focusing on, through your thoughts and continual self talk, you will receive an abundance of whatever you are asking the Source, whatever you might perceive Source to be, to give you ... read more ...