Further Reading

Saturday 27 March 2010

More On 'Shadow People'

Shadow people are shadowy, silhouettes of human forms seen mostly at night, and are the most common form of ghost apparition people see. Shadow people seem to typically flee in the presence of people in physical bodies, especially if they realize they have been seen, and are reportedly viewed primarily out of the corner of one’s eye. Shadow people are not bound by walls or physical obstacles, as they may choose to move through them, while strangely, other shadow people seem to believe they have to go around physical objects. Shadow people are also known as dark shadows or shadow ghosts, and probably are the most misunderstood of entities seen. Shadow is indication of spiritual condition, and is the absence of light or truth. In other words, shadow people are disembodied humans who are lost, having not gone forward in life’s journey by refusing to go toward the light after the death of the physical body. Shadow ghosts are not devils, demons or aliens, as some reports being imagination-generated would seemingly indicate.

Because we fear darkness, many of us have come to believe that shadow people have ill intentions and thus are evil. However, most shadow people are not negative in nature, and are simply lost and in need of guidance to understand their condition. Shadow people have been recorded in video as both adults and children, male and female, but often as people reliving their former lives, being trapped by the mind and remaining as earthbound spirits... read more ...