Further Reading

Friday 26 March 2010

'A War Rages ...'

A battle rages above our heads, but for most who are blissfully unaware, it is a reality they are not permitted to see. Minds are screened and senses limited to what is this reality. A distorted hologram of truth, when what is actually happening in the blue skies, which is seen only by those permitted to disconnect from this time and this hologram, is nothing short of an out and out war. A war which has been raging for aeons, ever since ‘time’ began. Human-kind you are deceived by what you see on your worlds. You live your lives and rarely question the reality in which you descend. It has a construct, laid on for the convenience of the star lords. Your oppression is their nectar, you are merely slaves servicing their machine. Sometimes you get to gaze beyond your reality, to perceive what is really here on this dimension. Those of you who do ... are deemed as being insane. The branding of these brave souls serves to close the lid on the truth; for know the star lords are losing their grip once more. Whilst the cracks remain, and their weaknesses exposed, the universal consciousness trapped within the construct reaches out and pulls to it those higher vibrations which the power lords are fearful of; for it said that they cannot escape their own construct ... a hologram much greater than the human one; a hologram which contains the human one. It is said the star lords are controlled by the hidden ones. Races which are not able to transport themselves into the human construct because it is not their doing. It is said that the universal consciousness trapped as human-kind ... some most surely ... are an awareness from way beyond even the power lord’s limitations. The power lords are thus hateful of that awareness. For that awareness can leave and will voluntarily return again and again and again. Thus for those trapped within the boundaries of time ... accept that this is not the all to your existence. Develop the ways to see beyond the veils, for know the veils are wearing thin. The war takes its toll on your gaolers. Now is a good moment to break free from those shackles .....(original yet untitled writing by Matthew James)