Further Reading

Monday 26 April 2010

The Billowing White Clouds

The effort to pinpoint 'the elusive location' has been phenomenal. A monumental task, in truth, as it could technically be in any town, village or city in any part of the world. Anywhere on the earth plane ... the needle in the mighty haystack. The Hawk has ventured onwards on a myriad of occasions; servitors sent out into the astral plane to seek the locality. There seems, after many recurrent occurrences, a deliberate barrier placed to elude the seeking eyes. A deliberate intention to blindfold those who are pinpointing the path and the place where the shining star is kept. Too much seems to be at stake to have those who are the instigators ... discovered. It is not from the realms of science fiction ... it is more than feasible to have the ways and meanings of blocking psychic frequences employed. To confuse the minds of those who use the gifts to find the missing girl. Intelligence agencies have experimented with such frequencies for decades. It is a fine art ... to deceive those gifted with the second sight. The elusive location appears one such experiment. But, being aware of this possibility ... spurs the hawk on even more. Gazes through those billowing white mists DO give indications of where and with who ... because that barrier is not as complete as they had hoped ....