Further Reading

Friday 23 April 2010

'Codename Merlin'

Enter he ..... purveyor of the wild magic
Magic, crazy, insane ...
The loner in the wild wood
Mage of a forgotten power
Unknown in the modern world
Obscure and hidden ...
Free from the bindings of the evil eye .... to peddle his trade.

Codename merlin
Wild card in the technological age
powerful and powerless
an enigma and a crisis.

Codename merlin
elusively insane
wild, crazy seer
an all seeing eye .... in one who slipped the net.

But the evil eye is upon him
gazing from afar
aware of his light, his accuracy
his words like acid to the plans afoot
he is aware; he sees; he knows the dark one fears
and sends forth the madness to silence the young fool

the loner .... golden child within a pauper’s shell
codename merlin .... the loner awake, aware ...
the paradox, the signal breaker
he who gazes beyond the illusion into the fabled illusion
speaking truth which is decreed lies
the threatened condemn him ....

His madness is sanity
his light is fabled the darkness
fearlessly thus he peddles his purity
casting out the darkness; changing the ways of thought
opening the way for others to venture through
and gain the summit in the way which is cast as insane

he smiles to himself when he reads and sees the lies of the darkness
the ways it gains its power over the children of the light
nothing is ever new under the sun
same old situation .... a circle boundless and repeating
codename merlin .... many names point to the one same being
he is the paradox .... he is visible yet invisible ..... and it is how it will always be.

Enter he ..... purveyor of the wild magic
His madness is sanity
the loner .... golden child within a pauper’s shell
his words like acid to the plans afoot
his light is fabled the darkness
Reflections of the illusion .... thus he is an ambassador of the truth!

Matthew James 1 December 2004