Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Extreme fear ... discovery ... running
Running blindly along darkened passageways
.... deep beneath the ground
Outside a blue summer’s sky ... a white tower atop a hill
Inside a spirit bold ...
Disguised by a fearful mortal ... someone who knows the tunnels so well
Betrayed ... but by who?

Almost total extermination of his brethren
Because of a belief ... a truth ... a power
Stronger the truth that defies the religion of the new world
The power hungry fools who murder all who stand in their way
And so it was here ... like everywhere
But he survived ... and he crossed the sea to a new shore and passed his knowledge forth there
To start a new mystery .. a new legend ... another chance to impress the truth on open minds

And it has survived to this the modern day
That soul recollects and researches and immerses himself in the story from there
Feeling the pangs of forgotten melodies in one place
Painting the place; illustrations fill books and covers walls
Ancient Avalon ... a mysterious place; fearful souls fail to understand
But it magic became rekindled by a troupe of exiles
Druids who came from another shore ...

Keeping alive their mystery
Carrying with them hints of a special bloodline
That which has now become the ultimate mystery
And the esoteric schools of the power mad THINK they hold the truth
They THINK they have concealed what went on
They fool themselves that massacre destroyed that strand
Below the ground where nobody can see are those remains
That is what the religious heads have in their archives
They are satisfied they culled that blood and made that sacrifice

and their kin drank that life force

But they did not; they survived and the blood line lived on
Though today it is not a pure strand
It still contains that which they tried to destroy
True magical power; Nordic incantations within a mind; Natural alchemy
Used on a whim without guilt nor qualification
Powerful imagination seeding the human collective
Opening the doors to the truth once more
From obscurity the lights in the darkness work
Knowing the true story; laughing at the archived works which lie
and lead the human conscious mind far away from the truth
A mystery no longer; a secret the lights will soon get chance to tell.

Written Matthew James Sunday, 13 January 2002