Further Reading

Friday 23 April 2010

A Personal View of Shamanism

My own personal experiences of 'shamanism' are no more than it being a way of life. No, a pathway through life. The tag 'Shaman' is but one of the many 'hats' that I have hung up on my wall. When wearing the shaman identity, I barely differentiate it from being a 'clairvoyant'. The two are effectively one and the same ... in my view anyway. It may be different for others. As a 'Shaman' I effectively travel between worlds and forage for contacts in the other worlds & dimensions on my own behalf. Rarely do I have intermediate 'guides' to provide me with the information. I can readily access 'the spirit world' and obtain information required. It is a demanding and exhausting experience most times ... so I don't intenti0nally seek information that way often. My concept of 'normal life' is enmeshed with symbolism ... I watch the path of birds and animals in my life. I note the repeating patterns of Ravens or Crows flying over me, or waiting for me when I arrive at a destination. I rarely 'dream' with the bulk of my night time 'flights' being projections and travels into the underworld & otherworlds. The discipline/honour of such travels being reinforced by my own spirit reuniting itself with the earthbound self. I grasp strongly the concept of the duality of the human traveller ... for most part the selfish seperate self runs amok in physical life, with most people determining that this part of the psyche is their true selves. Until there is a connection with the true self/spirit it is not possible to realise that the seperate self is an automaton programmed by the environment around it. The true self is the only aspect of the self that enables freewill. The experience of wearing the Shaman 'hat' has enabled this realisation along with many others ... MJ