Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Rothschild World Domination Plan Via Private Nuclear Weapons

'Obama's plan to eliminate all nuclear power from countries not under total Rothschild control and then to phase it away from governments completely so that only weapons secretly in the hands of the Money Power's own secret private (mercenary power above the armed forces of national powers) will exist to rule the earth brooking no interference from any organization of resistance.
When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist governments -- Iran is one of the last -- the Rothschild interests will have a monopoly of true nuclear super-power status -- a term that today is absurdly applied to the United States which no less a Rothschild asset than is Israel, a nation the Rothschilds' have won in a financial crap game using loaded dice. those of the "approved" Zionist internationalist arsenals and their secret private space-based capability as well...Read more:...