Further Reading

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Seven Principles of the Spiritual Wary Way

1. Trust: Honour the flow of life (the greater reality). Trust it. Align your life with your very highest values and ideals and trust that whatever happens is for the best.

2. Choice: Choose to be a conscious cause rather than an effect. Be the creator of your own life. Set Goals, make choices and take responsibility for your actions. This means giving up being a victim which is not always easy.

3. Awareness: Stay aware of current reality. Face the obstacles and acknowledge your opponent's (both inner and outer) and know your own assets and strengths. To move from here to there you need to know your starting point as well as your goal.

4. Respect: Respect your adversaries, inner and outer. Beating your head on a brick wall is not useful behaviour, even if the wall eventually would fall down. Instead, respect the wall's inherent nature and work with it instead of against it.

5. Oneness: When you move to a higher level, there are no enemies (you may need to go back to principle one - trust)

6. Action: When action is needed, act and act confidently without regret or doubt, moving from your own centre and leading forward to your goal.

7. Surrender: After making the very best decision you can, using the information and resources available, and acting on your decision, let go of all attachment to the outcome (again go back to principle one - trust)
(Taken from Life Spirit Magazine, May 1998)