Further Reading

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Shamanic Healing In The 21st Century

Shamanic healing describes in essence a group of processes that has been practised throughout the millennia, and throughout every civilisation in the world, which entails for a shaman to travel in non-ordinary realms (quantum realms, other worlds, dreamtime etc) and there, to make changes, learn about the nature of the problem and to bring back resolutions.
Shamanic healing relies at the baseline for any practitioner, or shaman, to be able to contact and understand the underlying "invisible" energetic realities of the world.Therefore, and although for example soul healing, soul loss and a range of mind healing and incarnational healing activities is what is most commonly associated with shamanic healing, a shaman can also "read plants", minerals, other forms of energy imprints and match these to the problem at hand.
True shamanic healing is absolutely fascinating and not to be confused with a mind game that used to be played at some length in the "new age communities" of the late 20th century.The difference between an "imagining" and a true shamanic healing experience is known because it is FELT; further more, when a true shamanic healing experience has taken place, REALITY CHANGES as a result.
For a beginner studying shamanic healing work, it is of the essence to REMAIN REAL at all times.Humans are easily given to imagination and delusion; and someone who has never experienced an orgasm would probably be hard pushed to explain the difference in the sensations of an orgasm, and a good sneeze.
It is therefore essential for a junior shaman to first of all, learn how to differentiate between what is real and what is just an imagining; this is needed to set the path in the right direction, towards more real experiences and away from disturbing illusions.
In past societies, shamans were put through severe rituals of pain to "ground them in physicality" and to teach them the all important lessons of reality vs illusions; this increases the shamans ability to feel, to perceive; it releases their limitations of fear and reversal and it is indeed the first and most important step to moving forward into true shamanic healing at the higher levels of reality ... READ MORE ...