Further Reading

Saturday 24 April 2010

The Sound of the Universe

Billowing white are the mists which hide the way ahead
Cool breezes quickly form as tiny spectres dance and dart
The cotton cloud insubstantial to the curious human hand
A strange electrical pulse touches, sending static along the spine
An awesome realisation dawns, a mind expands
Soon to be left reeling as the body like a shell is discarded

Then towards a pinprick the discarnate soul travels at light speed
Leaving all it has ever known behind ...
The essence shaped then like a malleable metal on the anvil
Into an form more suited to the vibration it travels along
No ego exists here only consciousness
The once human entity lost in the transformation
As it moves as a globule of presence through infinity
A unique light cast in a mighty field of unity

A myriad of thoughts join as the signal stabilises
The essence of what was becomes attuned to the infinite one
All round countless globules float and spin in every direction
Until they touch and merge, the numbers becoming less
The globule of ex-humanity then joining the growing mass being form
An overwhelming, ecstatic pathos then of arrival
Infinity and all its wonders, all its tastes, all its smells
Its endless traces of touch and overwhelming presence
A trillion individual thoughts now joined as one
A fantastic sound vibration thus formed
the sound of the universe all around
The music of the essence of life; which all of infinity belongs

All the globules vibrating then to that frequency
An ecstasy more powerful than any ever touched
A oneness more than ever it can be realised
A sound vibration so mighty it can create everything there is
Magical, mysterious, fantastic, frightening
Too wondrous for the light of man to leave
But it must; it must once more separate and go its own way
To become individual with its own sound
Part of the greatness but now alone again
To descend into the place of the physical
To face the misery of a solid form
To experience all it can and learn from the joy of life

So it may return once more to the sound to purify its own frequency ...

Matthew James 2 August 2001