A white mist is rising, rising, lifting, shifting
Under the light of the dawn sun
Creatures stand in trepidation for there is magic on the air
a presence is lurking ... invisible.
Power is rising, rising, lifting, shifting
as a messenger breaks through the veils between the worlds
Faerie light, faerie magic
The time of uncertainty most surely has passed
An elder race gains mastery of the link worlds again
sending emissaries out deep into the unknown
Linking by telepathy to its brethren trapped in mortal form
so all will understand ... all will receive the sign simultaneously
For many aeons have passed since they left those shores
to venture out into the mystery and the wonder
explorers of the new physical shores beyond the known aether
Lost then was their sight of origins and their names
But always the faerie necromancers have tracked them
keeping note of their location ... their energies
for some have the potential to be a danger to the very fabric of the universe
should their magic fall into the wrong hands
And so it was the dark ones began their reign
calling out from beyond the veils to capture the exploring ones
causing the rifts and the tortures which would shape the physical worlds
until now ... that darkness existed unchallenged ...
But now ... the messengers fly onwards
sending out their power signs to all who receive
The white stag seen in dreams
standing defiant on the dawn shoreline
Challenging those who oppose to try once more
The time of light now is at hand
and those who are chosen to awaken shall wake
their magic to shift and their minds to clear ...
Matthew James 26th July 2004