Further Reading

Friday 30 April 2010

A Word on 'Squirrel Magick'

Squirrel is a powerful totem to call on at any time when you feel stuck in your life or in a project and ready to give up. Its medicine teaches us that perseverance and the willingness to adopt different methods are the keys to success.

This animal also teaches us the importance of preparedness. No animal is busier than a squirrel during autumn, as it gathers nuts and seeds and buries them. For us humans preparedness is not only important on the physical level; it can mean being as flexible as Squirrel when it comes to allowing and initiating change.

Squirrel also reminds us to gather only that which is necessary. This animal's medicine can be a valuable antidote not only for the syndrome of hoarding physical things, but also for the habit of hoarding emotions and memories which are no longer needed and which limit our trust in love and abundance.

Busy as this animal often is, it always has time to play. Squirrels also seem to enjoy simply resting on a tree branch or the railing of my deck in a pose which feels like meditation to me.

In this way, Squirrel teaches us that there is time for everything in life, and that the balance between work, play, and rest and contemplation is vital to our overall feeling of well-being and harmony.