Further Reading

Sunday 23 May 2010

Five of Cups

When we see figureheads in the cards facing west as the gentleman in the Five of Cups is, it's an indication the querent is dwelling on the past. The turned back and west facing feature is symbolic of regret, loss, and holding oneself in a position of self-blame or self-doubt.

The distant bridge in the card is our source of silver lining. It is an indication that we can bridge the gap between the lower emotions we feel now, to the higher more positive feeling we want to feel. With purposeful intent, we can reach that golden castle (on the other side of that bridge), and leave behind the barren (unhelpful) feelings of fear, doubt, and loneliness behind us.
The placement of the cups in this card illustration is intriguing. It brings to my mind the rule of karmic threes. It's been my experience in readings that those who attract this card have gone through the "three strikes you're out" phenomenon - or, they have had their own actions come back to them threefold.
Effectually, this card serves as a reminder to be aware of our actions, lest we are faced with undesirable consequences. Remember, the cups deal in the realm of emotion and the movement it takes in our lives. This card asks us to follow the tracks of our tears - follow the path our emotions have taken us down, and calmly navigate our way to solutions...READ MORE...