Further Reading

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The Law of Magnetic Control

This law is the basic law controlling the Spiritual Triad. Through this law, the force of evolution drives the Ego to progress through the cycle of reincarnation back to union with his kind. Through separation he finds himself, and then - driven by the indwelling buddhic or Christ principle - transcends himself, and finds himself again in all selves. This law holds the evolving lower self in a coherent form. It controls the Ego in the causal body, in the same way that the Logos controls the Monad on the second plane. It is the law of the buddhic plane; the [584] Master is one Who can function on the buddhic levels, and Who has magnetic control in the three worlds. The lower is always controlled from above, and the effect the buddhic levels have on the three lower is paramount, though that is scarcely yet conceded by our thinkers. It is the Law of Love, in the three worlds, that holds all together, and that draws all upward. It is the demonstration, in the Triad, of the Law of Attraction. (A Treatise On Cosmic Fire)