Further Reading

Friday 21 May 2010

The Legend Of Shamballa

The inhabitants of Shamballa are supposed to have developed an advanced science and technology, which they put to the service of spiritual ends. Tibetan medical texts believed to have come from the kingdom describe human anatomy and physiology, sophisticated theories and methods of diagnosis, and ways to prevent and cure serious diseases. The study of these sciences helps the inhabitants of Shamballa to master the highest science of all, the science of mind or meditation. Through its practise they develop a direct awareness and control of their minds and bodies; these abilities enable them to cure themselves of various ailments. As a side effect, they also acquire extraordinary powers, such as the ability to read others thoughts, foresee the future, and walk at very high speeds. If attacked by an aggressor, they simple either materialise exact copies of his weapons and turn them against him, or they make themselves invisible. Lamas believe that Shamballa has existed since the beginning of the world but little is known about its early history.

Shamballa came to the attention of a larger western audience through the beliefs of the Theosophists. During the second half of the nineteenth century, a Russian named Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, a widespread mystical movement that provided the west with its first significant exposure to eastern religions, particularly Buddhism. She claimed to be receiving secret teachings through telepathic and written messages from spiritual masters living somewhere behind the Himalayas. A number of her followers believed that the highest of these masters, “The Lord of The World” resided in Shamballa, an invisible oasis hidden in the Gobi Desert. According to their belief, Shamballa was the spiritual centre of the world and the original source of the secret doctrines of Theosophy.

Some lamas have suggested another way in which Shamballa could exist from a modern, scientific point of view, as a civilisation on another planet. On the basis of chance alone, it seems certain that somewhere in the universe there must beintelligent life that has developed a science and technology more advanced than ours. If Shamballa were such a civilisation, it might even exist in the form described by the texts, and its inhabitants could actually possess the power and riches attributed to them. In that case, theshape of the kingdom, round like a globe, might represent the planet on which they live. On the other hand, Shamballa mightbe an outpost that these aliens have established on earth and concealed through their advanced science and technology...READ MORE...