Further Reading

Thursday, 20 May 2010

The Lemurian Age

The most efficient way to mark the beginning of the Hyperborean Age (mentioned several times in the following) is to consider the tragic end of the Polarian Age, which also marked the end of the Age of Dinosaurs, as a historic guidepost, about 65,000,000 years ago, although many saurians lingered into the following Age, sharing the planet with Man for quite some time.

The Lemurian Root Race has fascinated students of prehistory for many years and this interest will increase as the threshold of mankind's presence on the planet recedes farther back into the dawn of time. The first fact to bear in mind is that the extended epoch that encompassed the Lemurian Age from it's inception to it's fall, included so many changes in climate, geography, fauna and flora, that the way of life for early members of the race who were Hyperborean in physique and in temperament, was quite different from that of later Lemurian subraces and markedly different from those who established Lemurian colonies in other areas of the world later on in their history. Man's temperament evolved also, subrace after subrace as they emerged in Lemuria's history. The demarcation line between the Hyperborean and Lemurian Root Races is hazy. The Hyperborean were nomadic and probably the only effective means of marking the transition from the Hyperborean to the Lemurian Root Race, is to consider their permanent settlement in a chosen location and the end of a purely nomadic way of life as a criterion.
During the latter phases of the Hyperborean Age, worn and weary nomadic groups traveled constantly, moving on when the environment deteriorated, to seek relief from volcanic upheaval and a polluted atmosphere. The ongoing crisis which precipitated mankind's treks to seek sanctuary from natural disaster reached its climax about 35,000,000 million years ago.
Some of the groups that survived journeyed eastwards and eventually, the small clans from Hyperborea that were to bridge the transition into the Lemurian Age, traveled across what is now called Asia leaving small groups of settlers along the way, until some of them came to the land we call Lemuria, much of which now lies beneath the Pacific Ocean. This arduous trekking was of long duration and their nomadic way of life remained harsh as they learned, adapted and overcame their hardships. Both Dr. William F. Warner and the Vedic scholar B.G. Tilak published well researched evidence that the Middle Eastern races of antiquity and the Vedic people of India, recorded facts and information related to the Arctic and it's change to present climatic conditions. Preserved in their written records, are details which could only have been observed and recorded from personal experience.
The first Lemurians were rather inflexible in character, this attitude was to undergo transformation, traversing many stages of behavior, from expressing a grateful, relaxed joy of living to a spoiled selfishness in the latter days of their Age. These of course are very broad generalizations and do not apply to spiritually advanced entities, of whom I believe there are representatives reincarnated to further the evolution of every generation of mankind, nor do they necessarily apply to their disciples. Their racial metamorphosis closely paralleled an improvement in the world's climate and atmosphere, which was also responsible for improvement in their standard of living and eventually led to a beneficent cultural environment.
At first, life was simple, they appreciated improvements in air quality, however slight, for they were much more sensitive to diminished pranic inflow than modern man. Their physique was still too delicate to digest solid foods, but they stabilized their physical well-being with a diet of fresh fruits and herbs, which the Devas had already nurtured in readiness for their changing metabolism. They ate simply, with reverence for their nourishment and gratitude towards those who had provided it. Gradually, their lives became less strenuous and they were able to express a more intense joy of living. There was a great deal of interaction between them and their friends of the Deva Evolution and because of their telepathic skills, trust was established between them and most animal species.
They also relaxed the grip of nervous tension that was a physical legacy from their Hyperborean predecessors and in time, their interest turned to pursuits more in keeping with their evolutionary goals. (Chapter Four - The Lemurian Age: Teachings of the Sea Gods - The Adept and the PathBy Valerie Bonwick and Jonathan Bigras ISBN# 1-55026-003-0(pbk.)