Further Reading

Wednesday 26 May 2010


On a whim he flies, reaching out without form
Into the deeper blue within the fibres of time
Moving faster than light beyond the needle’s eye
Regaining recognition in those ancient passageways
Presently .... reaching a pair of oaken doors ... he watches them open wide
He is within that mighty place ... the stars swarming, drifting and weaving
In and out of the place ... dimensions enmeshed within and without each other
His many facets shifting and swirling; his thoughts a constant one ...
He is turning the pages then of an ancient volume
As the mage ... the sage ... the necromancer ... the scribe
Down through the ages of man he has always done the same
Each facet ignorantly independent of the others; human training
Narrow ... insular ... ignorant of the truth ...
But then comes the one ... the central hub of the wheel
Representing the higher immortal; its instrument on the earth
Guided by the web of fate to come to this mighty conclusion
Then put the wisdom of the magpie to a great use

He sees the pages turn of their own accord by the fire’s light
Captivated is he of the scenes which he beholds
Liquid pages; glass forming and merging
Scenes of what once was and what soon shall be appearing
From out of the ether ... within the infinite meadows of the akashi
He determines there the nature of the beast ... the purpose of it all
the wandering of the material plane
again and again and again; ten thousand times, perhaps,
walking the curvature of an invisible wheel
from start to end then realising the end is yet another start of another spin
His human eyes see naught here; his human hands touch no pages
He is formless; as light; as his true nature; as a wraith; as a glowing ball of light
And around him he sees others ... all the same
Representatives from all the many, many worlds
All querying the purpose of their many, many lives
Aware of their nature ....
And some he sees, he recognises as recently deceased; escapees from his earth
There are others he deduces have never been human but have lived lives
He realises too the possibilities are truly boundless
Human scientists limit their concept of their reality, deliberately
They have been instructed to control in order to prevent a mass realisation
This he sees and feels from all the many others who sit in that place
Together they realise the very nature of the universe and they all feel how freely it is given ...
He relives the fear of total destruction on a once wondrous world
He recalls their history and knows its annals have long been forgotten
Its presence totally eradicated from the human consciousness
He compares then with a current existence
and links correctly the progression; human kind indeed escaped a world
A world ravaged by self-destruction; by greed and by nuclear redemption
The chosen remained on the world to perish; the evil escaping to live again
An echo of the past reverberating in the halls of a present time
He recalls not if he was one who escaped or one who perished
for strangely he can recall memories from both
(Perhaps the time span permitted him to live lives in both)
But his memory is of the arrival on a fertile world; one of wondrous colour
One free of the sand red desert of his home world
He senses the excitement and the fear; the joy and the wonder
He knows their was extreme regret and an over-riding knowing
His intuition was full, necessary and precise
They had reached a world that was not all that it seemed ...
Paradise soon turned to hell as their sages began hearing the inner voices of their "gods"
Visitations of mental phantasms rendered many mad
Fear escalated until the time came; the time of discovery
Explorers foraged the new world far and wide and discovered proof of previous civilisations
What the voices had prophesied were true
Technology brought on an advancement like never before
Then the freedom for the gods "trapped" in the fissures of the earth
He and others realising then the mistake
These were no gods; this was no Eden
They had escaped destruction to find themselves trapped on a prison world
For writings they found and deciphered (the language was much the same as their own)
Warned of a war between the gods and the demons
A race of dragons and serpents who could appear like men
Who after many ages were captured and banished to a fearsome place
A tomb deep in the bowels of the earth
Their voices had subdued the weak and compelled them to set them free
The demons were free to roam; free to possess the forms of man
Free to bend the wills of the hapless mortals who failed to heed the warnings
Hapless mortals who had given away their souls thus changing the evolution of a consciousness
Damning it to a time warp as the demons forced the hapless to use their technology
and form rents in the ether; connecting the earth to the demon’s home worlds
He is fully aware now of the pain and the panic of that age
The fear of being hunted and bent to a demon’s will
Forced to kill and forced to sacrifice
Forced to use man’s darkest emotions to control
He is aware of battling with the guilt through a thousand lives
Until now when he makes sense of it all
It is his time to recompense; the time to warn the others and prepare ...
For the next battle has come
The nature of life is threatened by the presence of the demons,
on a vibration which is not their own....

Matthew James Monday, 9 December 2002