Further Reading

Friday 21 May 2010

Question Me: 'Phone Readings?'

'I noticed you undertake "phone readings" .. are you serious? How can you undertake a "clairvoyant reading" with any degree of accuracy over a telephone?" --- Gracey, Hornell, USA.

Despite, the obvious skepticism, this is a good question received via e-mail in the last few days. It most certainly deserves a response/reaction here on A Light In The Darkness, as I know there will be potentially many others thinking the same. The romantic image of a 'fortune teller' that most folk will have is some strange looking individual dressed in outlandish attire, armed with crystal ball & tarot cards sitting across the table from their client/victim. The image does not extend to a consultation talking place over a great distance connected by telephone lines. The bad press associated with psychic telephone readings and the fraudulent psychic lines does not help the cause!

However, to answer the question ... because it was a question ... despite the sense that the questioner has been 'stung' in the recent past by extortionate psychic phone readings; the anger being so obvious in the manner of the question ... the phone readings I undertake are actually no different than a one-to-one "in person" reading. The preparations are the same and the manner of receiving the information no different. More often than not I will have had time to prepare for the reading ... having received a recent photograph of the client. Already, from the photograph I will have gleaned factors relating to the individual prior to speaking live on the phone. The phone reading itself relies totally on a 'voice vibration' ... it makes the reading harder, but also easier in other ways. Forgive the contradiction. Speaking personally, I deem the phone reading as a personal challenge to myself to glean information ... I push myself harder; listen more intently to intuition for information ... my awareness goes into overdrive ... the voice vibration gives more insights into the person and their ancestry than facial expressions and aura vibrations which are present during one-to-one "in person" readings. There is also the elimination of distractions such as facial expressions and body language. The pressure is on with phone readings to 'hit the nail on the head' with information.

Phone readings appear to work by telepathy and downloading information from the collective consciousness.

Many years ago I agreed to work for a psychic telephone line in the North of England. These were the days of 'cutting my teeth'. The medium line was actually a fradulent venture; with a couple of the other 'psychics' reading passages from magazines and books ... just to keep the poor folk on the line. I was totally appalled and disgusted. But, in the short time I worked there I endeavoured to be genuine. The phone line was somewhat unique ... as there was no actual live two way conversation during the reading. I only knew there was someone on the line when the red line indicator shone ... I would then commence the reading by turning cards and speaking into a microphone. I was nervous at first .... but within a few days the magic started to happen. I would begin by asking the unknown caller to really focus on my voice and to imagine sending me their personal information ...

It was actually an incredible experience as my mind would fill with so much information which I knew didn't relate to myself. The red light would remain on and on and on ... which I gleaned meant the information I was providing was indeed correct. This occurrence was confirmed one Friday afternoon ... the red light came on at this particular time, and I had the overwhelming sense that a close friend was currently on the phone line. Instinctively I made a note of the time and let myself go into 'overdrive' with the information ... I would begin speaking automatically, totally unaware of what I was saying. The tarot cards would be left in a pile disregarded. I then made a note of the time the 'reading' had finished with the red light being extinguished. A week or so later, I came into contact with the close friend, and asked if on the friday afternoon in particular had they been on the medium line? The answer was a shocked yes. I then had it confirmed they had indeed come off the phone line at the time I'd noted down as when the reading had finished. I was then shocked to discover the information I'd provided the friend ... relating to parts of their live I knew nothing about including connections with deceased members of their family they themselves knew nothing about. It was only when they'd checked with their mother that the information was confirmed.

It was at that moment I realised the mechanism behind clairvoyance & mediumship; that it is related to the collective consciousness and the inherent telepathy that all human beings possess. It is this wisdom (Knowledge + understanding) and principle I apply when undertaking phone readings; or any other type of reading for that matter.

Matthew James 21/5/2010