Further Reading

Sunday 30 May 2010

Reaching Out Thro’ The Portals

Tentacles reaching out, scrapes of gossamer banners across a blood red sky
Cloudless majesty backlit by the eternal sky nation ...
Powerful visions, words spoken in whispers have forgotten ... filled with power
Recalled later in the Inipi ... visions of another spirit ... beckoning to cross a doorway
The threshold to another dimension, like a portal ...
Later ... cross-legged, deep in concentration ... crossing the great river in the sunlight
Water deep, too deep to cross ... fearlessly floating, treading the crystal clear water
All memories of the star life alive in every molecule ....
Coming back ... the pain the memory which breaks the concentration
Smudging away the demons ... recalling the attacks in the night, a continual nightmare
Understanding the words whispered by the ancestors ... the seekers ... they come.
Beneath ... another blood red sky ... he stands hands akimbo, watching the heavens
Aware but silent ... to hide away from the winged horrors ...
the unspeakable that crosses the night ... seeking the wielders of the ancient light
He senses, he is aware ... and holds on to a gossamer strand with his mind
Invisible to the mortals trapped in their materialistic world ... tied to the machine timing
They do not see that which is natural but has been hidden behind the cine town illusions ...
Hidden behind the back clothe which the gaolers create to fool the mortals
He sees the tickertape trails which lead from one dimension to another through the portals
Those magical places the gaolers keep under lock and key; for use only by themselves ...
He is aware of one in the landscape before him ... and of one in the landscape he left
With ultimate magic he connects to many places that exist beyond the portals
He reaches out to the one nearest to his new home ...
He sees the red man sitting on the mesa peak which is his sacred space
and realises the potent connection then like no other time
Nothing is by chance in any of the many lives; the reason so easy to read in the signs all around
The seekers walk ... moving in on the bearers of the sacred keys
Summoning the ghouls to come ... to silence the threat to the gaoler’s plans
The darkest diamond shards only neutralised by the combining of all the quicksilver segments
in each of their every lives ... their separation a deliberate act to dilute their lights
By some wondrous act of magic, the timeless mages reach out through the hidden portals
connecting with the other fragments of themselves ... to defeat the ghouls once and for all ...

Matthew James 21 December 2003