Further Reading

Monday 24 May 2010


The sound of the river echoed in the cavern
Deep and powerful reverberations
A mantra loud and repetitive
Recognisable sound; its effect second nature
I was alone there
As always I ventured along the valley
Toward the darkened entrance to the cavern
Through and along the narrow passage
Across razor sharp rocks; carefully avoiding the drop
The raging river below
Into the darkness and the flat inner plateau
The place I felt always at peace
Then the tranquility overtook me as always
The river the haunting that propelled me away from this earth
Into the realm where the white skinned aliens waited
Kindly beings who would talk with me, speaking in telepathic tongue
their intentions as clear as the crystal waters beside me
They made me feel powerful, they released within me potential
they unlocked my identity and made me accept that truth
A realisation which always faded when I returned to body

The last time I made the visit was a moment before
In a daze I sit
Ahead of me the passage deep into the ground lies
The kindly alien's voice still filled my mind
In a daze I stand
In the darkness I begin to walk, toward the passages
A long journey lies ahead
Through twists and turns I will need to make my way
Until eventually I will come to where I was shown
An inner sanctum hidden from the world, a library exists there
A place containing all the records of the ancient world
I seek the manuscripts of prophecy
The alien was adamant I will find it there
With confident step I make my way
Along twists and turns
A passageway leading me away from the river's sound
Deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth

Until eventually I found it
A blank tablet of rock ...
I reached left and found the niche in the rock there
With an audible click the door slid open
Into the sanctum I walk with barely a breath; I had found the hall of records
The voices were correct.

Matthew James circa June 2002