Further Reading

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

A Word on the 'Throat Chakra'

Since the heart chakra is the bridge between the lower, more physical energy centers and the upper, more metaphysical ones, as we ascend through the chakras, the fifth is the first primarily focused on the spiritual plane. The throat chakra, Visuddha, is associated with the color turquoise blue and with the elements sound and ether, the field of subtle vibrations ancient Indians believed pervaded the universe. Located in the neck, throat, jaw, and mouth, the Visuddha chakra resonates with our inner truth and helps us find a personal way to convey our voice to the outside world. The rhythm of music, creativity of dance, the vibration of singing, and the communication we make through writing and speaking are all fifth chakra ways to express ourselves.

Also known as the throat chakra, your fifth energy center is located at the back of your neck. It includes your entire jaw. On an energy level, it is the center of your personal expression and the messenger of your spirit.

A well-balanced throat chakra enables your expression to act as a three-way psychic radio. The first band, which activates your speaking and listening abilities, also governs all forms of creativity and awakens your ability to connect with others. The second band establishes mental and telepathic rapport with others, sending and receiving thoughts and feelings, especially from those who are on the same wavelength as you. Finally, the third band tunes in to your own inner voice, allowing you to pick up on your intention and to ask for and receive direction from the Divine Spirit.

When your expression is imbalanced, you many times suppress what you are really feeling. You block input from others by building walls around yourself. This can result in heightened levels of anxiety, secrecy, frustration and anger. Your joyful and creative spirit is damaged and when you finally begin to speak-as you eventually will-it will be in the voice of your wounded inner child. He or she will be angry and will lash out, either outwardly against others or inwardly through destructive or addictive behaviours. Severe imbalances might result in speech or auditory difficulties ... READ MORE ...