Further Reading

Wednesday 2 June 2010

A Daily Merlin Review ... moving back to go forward

A random Daily Merlin Insight spread which is indicative of all the events surrounding the Shining Star. A review of a previous insight in an attempt to glean further information ... there are impressions here worth reviewing. The four of staves and the image of the crown within the white rectangle; four staves reach into the rectangle from the outside. A card of recovery and wellbeing. This image is to the right of the Shining Star and therefore in the rules of the spread ... an image of the future. Longelivity and endurance of the mystery will enable the memory of the 'controller's behind the situation to fade. To become hidden amid confusion and distractions. There are key elements now becoming forgotten. Key pointers which couldn't be hidden, now lost in the confusion. The elusive location lies in plain view. It is the best place to hide such a precious commodity. All around the Shining Star are apparent disjointed and disconnected events, like jigsaw pieces which will fit together when viewed in the correct light. An assessment of this random insight has created a rent in the impenetrable wall of distraction once more. The bottom line of three images indicate there is an agenda behind the mystery. An apparent conflict ... an uncovering of things best kept hidden supposedly, be wary; for it could be part of the agenda. A further smokescreen perhaps. There is a living and breathing behind all of this ... an innocent. It is what she represents, what she perhaps carries in her DNA? This is a concept considered before. But how viable is it to the situation. Her family appear to be pawns in a massive situation. There cannot be a discovery of those behind the situation ...
Copyright Matthew James 2nd JUne 2010