Further Reading

Sunday 27 June 2010

Loop Current Lies

'As we reach day 67 of the Gulf oil gusher, the useless cleanup effort run by the very company that caused the disaster has been even more abysmal than their failure to prevent it in the first place. Many beaches as far as Pensacola have been closed due to lethal toxins in the water and in the air. People are experiencing breathing problems and significant skin rashes/lesions. Crops as far north as North Carolina have been damaged due to toxic rain.

Crude oil has even been observed falling out of the sky during rainfall inland of the Louisiana coast. Washington Post has recently reported that they are expecting to have to evacuate upwards of 20 million people from coastal areas. The state of affairs in the Gulf region is on the path to all out chaos and Martial Law. The anarchy may reach levels orders of magnitude higher than that of Katrina...Read more: