Further Reading

Wednesday 2 June 2010

The World Within A World

I gripped tightly the shining sceptre I found within the cave,
I recognised it as part of the ancients tools of might
In the instance I became composed of gas,
through the gaps in the walls I crept,
until I made my way deep inside the earth
into the inner sea I swam
onto the golden shore I rose
unseen I crept onto the land of the hidden
the underworld surface man has long forgotten
I had woken from the dream of man
and beheld the wondrous vision of the mighty halls of Amenti
I found the living ‘dead’ there
living and breathing within the earth
I tasted the food which sustained them all
and realised it is the energy of the eternal flower which sustains them
I beheld then the mighty portals which connects this ‘earth’ to other worlds
and saw the earth as but one link in a constant chain
I realised then the deception human kind has been enmeshed within
There is no death, only transition and a return to Amenti
but Amenti is not home ... it is but a destination
one of the stations which the spirit can wander to
for the living ‘dead’ there are flames shaped from the universal flower
flames which can choose to remain in the memory of the ‘form’ they lived on earth
‘the form’ crafted from the very earth they walk; a suit to sustain them in that toxic air
for life has long since expired on the surface; and all ‘lives’ on earth are but genetic memories
illusions from the past ... phantasms of ancestral memory that a cruel race have rekindled
in order to control the flames ...
But when the flames realise the illusion they are free never to return, if they so wish
for some are determined there are answers still in those memories
somewhere there is the solution, a way forward for a race which has long since died
and all the many, many surface lives are replayed over and over again
in the vain hope the solution can be found ...
Within this hall I know time is non-existent
though as a gas I had little comprehension
Into space I rose and gazed upon all the many worlds teeming with life
from there I watched all the flames pass to and fro along all the corridors
corridors between all the many dimensions
I caught a glimpse of all the living ‘dead’ I once knew and I saw they still live on
which was a great comfort to me
and then into starlight I cast the gas, and took on the form of a flame
a representation of thought so I could be seen
but I found that this was forbidden
for it was my time to return ....

Matthew James 1 April 2003