Further Reading

Tuesday 27 July 2010

The Esoteric Sense

One of the main teachings which can be seen most clearly in all instructions of a truly esoteric character concerns the attitude of the student of the occult. He is supposed to be dealing with things subjective and esoteric; he aims to be a worker in white magic. As such, he must assume and consistently hold the position of the Observer, detached from the mechanism of observation [602] and contact; he must recognize himself as essentially a spiritual entity, different in nature, objectives and methods of working from the bodies which he considers it wise to occupy temporarily and to employ. He must realize his unity and lines of contact with all similar workers and thus arrive at a conscious awareness of his position in the spiritual hierarchy of Beings. So much misinformation has been spread abroad and so much emphasis has been unwisely laid upon status and position in the so-called hierarchy of souls, that sane and balanced disciples now seek to turn their thoughts elsewhere and to eliminate as far as may be all thought of grades and spheres of activity. It is possible, in the swing of the pendulum, to swing too far in the opposite direction and to discount these stages of activity. Do not misunderstand me however; I do not suggest that an attempt be made to place people and to decide where they stand upon the evolutionary ladder. This has been most foolishly done in the past, with much dishonor to the subject, so much so that, in the minds of the public, the whole matter has fallen into disrepute. If these stages are regarded sanely for what they are - states of extended consciousness, and grades of responsibility - then the danger of personality reaction to the terms "accepted disciple, initiate, adept, master" would be negligible and much trouble would be eliminated. It must ever be remembered that individual status is rigidly kept to oneself, and the point of evolution (which may be truthfully recognized as lying ahead of that of the average citizen) will be demonstrated by a life of active unselfish service and by the manifestation of an illumined vision which is ahead of the racial idea...read more...