Further Reading

Saturday 3 July 2010

Nuke the BP oil leak! Undersea blast could plug it, say physicists

BP should consider detonating an atomic bomb to plug its oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, nuclear experts have suggested.
The plan would offer an instant solution to the spill, which has wreaked havoc off the U.S. coast for almost three months, two physicists claim. 'I don't know what BP is waiting for; they are wasting their time,' said one, the former Soviet minister of nuclear energy Viktor Mikhailov.'Only about ten kilotons of nuclear explosion capacity and the problem is solved. I see no other solution for sealing leaks like the one in the Gulf of Mexico. Otherwise BP are just torturing the people and themselves.' He said the atomic solution would cost BP some £6.6million, paltry compared with the £1.7billion that the oil giant has already spent on damage limitation. The second physicist, Milo Nordyke, one of the scientists behind America's nuclear energy programme in the 1960s and 70s, independently proposed a bigger device. (Daily Mail)