Further Reading

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Racing Down The Road To Transhumanism !

'This page was compiled as a guide to the many varying types of Morgellons fiber specimens that I have found thus far. More detailed information is presented on some of the specimens in the Photo Journal and at other headings at the Morgellons Exposed website. Other researchers may have additional specimens to those I have discovered. This disease has variations from person to person. There are many different kinds of fibers involved with Morgellons disease.

Each type has it's own specific purpose. This is why I have come to the conclusion that a complex system of wiring is taking place in human beings. The chemtrails, tainted food, inoculations, and clothing fibers are an attempt to transhumanize us or to simply reduce our life span. I believe it is both. Take a good look at all of the different manifestations that are happening in the human body and consider the frightening possibilities...Read more: