Further Reading

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Servitor Design Sequence - Part 4

4. Is there a Time Factor to Consider?... Here, you should consider the duration of the Servitor's operation. In other words, do you want the Servitor to be 'working' continuously, or only at specific periods? Here, you may wish to take into account phases of the moon, astrological conjunctions or planetary hours, for example, which could be added into the Servitor's symbolic instructions. The Healing Servitor above for example, was instructed to be active for a period of seven days, affecting it's target recipient for seven minutes, at seven hour intervals. This instruction serves to reinforce the number symbolism & association with harmony. It is also at this point that you should consider what happens after the Servitor has performed its task. It is generally held to be preferable that when a Servitor has completed its task, the Servitor should be disassembled by its creator. There are two approaches to doing this. Firstly, one can encode a "self-destruct" instruction into the Servitor at the time of it's creation, where the duration of its existence is defined in terms of the duration of its task, or the fulfilment of a specific condition. For example, the Healing Servitor could be defined so that it's sigilised Statement of Intent is:"To promote rapid recovery and health in ...(name)...working at 7/7/7 intervals, the sum of which is the spell of your life."

The other approach to disassembly is to perform a ritual 'reabsorption' of the Servitor, mentally drawing it back from it's task, taking it apart by visualization, taking back the original desire which sparked it's creation, and taking apart or destroying any material base which you have created for it. Whilst classical occult theory has it that if you do not look after your thought-forms, they will wander around the astral plane annoying people, there is good psychological sense for terminating the 'life' of Servitors which have completed their assigned task - that you are reclaiming responsibility for that desire-complex which you used to create the Servitor...read more...