Further Reading

Friday 3 September 2010

'Brave New World' Psychiatry Pushing Nerve Drugs

'Our growing national epidemic of psychiatric drugs smothers natural human emotions, sensitivity, and openness in relationships. After shrinks have labeled someone as high anxiety, troubled, manic, depressed, bipolar, etc., they have the cure ready to adjust the behavior to their liking.

Big Pharma has hundreds of psychiatric terms defining victims' psyche and behavior to treat (or poison?) them to adjust, be nice, obey, consume, work, be normal and numb, thus belonging to our "great society." The billions in profits for Pharma-Chem motivates them to diagnose emotional problems with shrink terms that the makers themselves have designed drugs to control. Victims of domestic violence are treated with strong nerve drugs to relax, go to work, to sleep, or to school. Millions of U.S. school kids are drugged to pay attention and to follow class rules to learn subjects for corporate employment in the current U.S. war economy...Read more: