Further Reading

Friday 24 September 2010

Possession Is No Myth ....

Once again, for genetics think vibration. The body, including DNA and its ‘reader’ and blueprint protector, RNA, are all vibrational in their prime state and so what the Reptilian ‘geneticists’ were doing – are still doing – in ‘breeding’ a greater ‘genetic’ compatibility in the hybrids was actually creating a greater vibrational or frequency compatibility.

This makes these hybrid bloodlines, what I call the Illuminati bloodlines that manipulate the global political, financial, media, military etc. system, far easier for the Reptilians to ‘possess’ and forge a strong mental, ‘emotional’ and ‘physical’ connection, than with the general population.
The vibrational compatibility is such that the Reptilian entities ‘wear’ these human hybrids as little more than a vehicle to hide within human society without the people having a clue what is going on. It is worth remembering this when you see people like the Bushes, Obama, Kissinger, Blair and leading hybrid families like the Rockefellers, House of Windsor and, especially, the House of Rothschild.
The reason these hybrid families interbreed with each other (and within each other) so obsessively is to continually ‘download’ the hybrid information blueprint which is diluted very quickly once it ‘breeds’ (shares its information) with non-hybrids.
This is the real reason for the pressure on ‘royal’, aristocratic and leading banking, business families, and so on, to marry and procreate for ‘genes’ and not primarily for love or attraction. (David Icke)