Further Reading

Wednesday 15 September 2010

You Create Your World

You create your world! No other concept possesses the power that this idea does. Think about it? The power to change your world rests within yourself – within your mind! Thought-creation is a fact of reality, all realities. This physical reality however, would often have you believe otherwise. When you believe that your fate is in the hands of people and things that are beyond your control, you lose that fundamental power given to you: the power to create. You make it that much easier for others to manipulate and change your world into what they want, instead of changing your world into what you want. Remember! You have a right to create your own world. That right to create your own world was a gift to you from divine powers – divine powers, we might add – who cherish that right themselves. They would not think of relinquishing their power of self-creation and neither should you. Except, every time you feel that a particular situation is out of your hands, then that is what you are doing: relinquishing your power of creation and your ability to change the situation. To reclaim back your creative power involves taking two steps, changing your belief, and learning how to control the consciousness you possess. Doing both will take time. However, the sooner you begin, the sooner you will reap the benefits of deliberate reality-creation. To begin, you must shift from the belief that you live in a world you can’t control, to a belief that you live in a world you can control. Along with this new belief, you must come to understand that the high-tech reality controlling device that you seek is your own consciousness. Your consciousness is the tool given to you by the divine that will enable you to change and shape your reality. Learning how to control that consciousness is the next step in the process. Good reality-control comes from within, not without. An uncontrolled consciousness can be like a wild, untamed animal. This untamed animal gets driven by many sources to do the things it does, like emotions, needs, and desires. All these factors play a part in controlling and directing your consciousness toward deliberate reality creation. Except, in an uncontrolled state, your consciousness roams freely, like a wild beast. When a particular factor overwhelms the beast, that factor becomes the new director of the beast’s world. This haphazard direction of consciousness is what you want to avoid. Your consciousness’s driving forces must all be tamed and shown how they can work together to obtain what each needs and wants....read more