Further Reading

Tuesday 26 October 2010

The Nodes

The Moon's Nodes aren't of course planets. But their influence is arguably as important, which is why I've included them in this series. The Moon's North and South Nodes are sensitive points, indicating where the Moon's path around Earth crosses the ecliptic (the belt through which the Sun and planets appear to travel from our perspective on Earth). Western astrology and Vedic astrology view these points differently. The western view point is as follows.
Firstly, a look at the South Node. Directly opposite the North, its house and sign represent the "home" that keeps pulling us back. It's a comfort zone, describing attitudes and talents which, for good or ill, are easy to believe and express. Astrologers often say that South Node energies were developed in a prior life. At the least, they're usually evident in childhood, their expression somehow supported by our early environment. When we're in the South Node, we know who we are. Its instinctive behaviors and beliefs are familiar and safe, though not always positive.
That's where the North Node comes in as it demands we evolve. The North Node fills us with a temporary audacity-daring us to stretch beyond our customary role. Here we listen to an authority that's higher than family or cultural conditioning, deeper even than personality; lacking a more precise term, its the "soul." The Nodes are the trajectory of the soul's arrow. The South Node is the bow shooting us into this life; the North is the target our soul hopes we will reach. However difficult or unrealistic this target, we are assured that if we get there, we'll enjoy unprecedented success, more meaningful than any South Node accomplishment...READ MORE...