Further Reading

Friday 26 November 2010

Kangaroo Totem Animal

The red kangaroo is Australia's largest marsupial. Like all kangaroos, it has extremely powerful and large hind-legs which it uses to locomote through bounding leaps. The red kangaroo is found throughout arid and semi-arid parts of Australia. They are social, and congregate in 'mobs.' Males compete for groups of females, and defend them against other males through body language and fighting or 'boxing.' Females can produce 3 young every two years. The female possesses the ability to 'suspend' giving birth to a fetus, and can keep it in a state of suspended animation until drought or times of low nutrition pass.
The red kangaroo comes into your life as the desert warrior, bringing in very strong warrior energy for both genders. This warrior energy is sometimes considered exclusively masculine, but everyone needs strength, leadership and decisiveness in their lives and red kangaroo demonstrates this. He comes into your life to tell you that even though situations look grim, or support may be sparse, you possess all the qualities to be a warrior and fight for what is necessary in order to nourish you.
- Red kangaroo brings issues of movement into our lives. Generally, he tells us that we are not being swift enough, and that we should stop thinking about where we're going, and start moving instinctively.
- Red kangaroo tells us that we must take responsibility for our actions. Only in doing so are we able to take pride in them, and recognise not only our mistakes, but also our successes.
- Red kangaroo teaches us desert wisdom, and suggests that at this time, you might need to avoid excess (food, lifestyle etc.) and make your lifestyle more 'sparse.' Make your environment, even if only temporarily, reflect the desert - if it doesn't already - and this will become a strength and source of peace.
- Red kangaroo comes into your life to lend you the energy of endurance, and support you through a tough time. He helps you 'fight it out,' and will stay for as long as he is needed. - All kangaroos teach us about family and hierarchy. It is important to recognise that our role in family is important, and where we sit on the hierarchy is crucial. If we are battling too strongly against it, or resist 'fitting in', kangaroo comes along to tell you that you are a part of your family - whether they are blood or not - and that you must accept your place in the hierarchy, no matter what it is.
- All kangaroos come into our life and tell us how to assess obstacles instinctively. Instead of staring at our problems and never dealing with them, kangaroo gives us the power to notice them and then immediately clear them with a big bounding leap of thought, realisation, or literal movement. It is time for you to give away thought, it is not benefiting you at this time....read more...