Further Reading

Saturday 11 December 2010

The 7 Rays - A General View

Cyclically, according to the plan of the Logos, the rays come into manifestation, producing through their influence the succession of civilizations and cultures which mark and measure the evolution of the races. The three major planetary centres, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, are, respectively, the exponents of the three major rays of aspect: Will, Love-Wisdom and Active Intelligence.

Every human being finds himself on one or other of these seven energies, and all of us are governed basically by five ray forces:
1. The ray of the soul, which remains the same for countless aeons;
2. The personality ray, which varies from life to life until all the qualities are developed;
3. The ray governing the mental body;
4. The ray tgoverning the astral-emotional equipment
5. The ray of the physical body, including the brain.
These all vary cyclically. Each ray works primarily through one centre (or chakra), and together they determine the physical structure and appearance, the astral-emotional nature, and the quality of the mental unit. They predispose us to certain attitudes of mind and certain strengths and weaknesses (the virtues and vices of the rays).
They give us our particular personality colour and general tone on the physical plane. For the greater part of our evolutionary experience on this earth the rays of the personality govern our expression, but when we are two-thirds of the way along the path, the soul ray begins to dominate and to be expressed. "Man, know thyself," said the ancient Greeks. "Man, know thy rays," says the esotericist.
A knowledge of one's rays provides one with an insight into one's strengths and limitations, one's line of least resistance in this life and also an understanding of the bridges and the barriers between oneself and others, erected by our individual ray structure. Those on similar rays tend to see things from the same point of view, to have the same approach to life, while those on disparate rays find it difficult to come to an understanding of each other's attitudes and meaning.
It will be obvious how this factor conditions the quality of married life. It affects, too, the success or failure of the meetings of leaders of nations, especially when it is realized that each nation is governed by two rays: the higher soul ray, expressing the highest (usually as yet unmanifested) ideals of the nation; and the lower personality ray, governing the people's selfish national desires.
To view history from an understanding of the rays governing the nations and races is to see it in a new light. It becomes obvious why certain nations are allies while others have little in common and are traditionally hostile to each other. It becomes fascinatingly clear why particular ideas, movements and religions flourish at one period and fall into decay at another; why some countries emerge for a time and become dominant influences in the world while others lie fallow, as it were, awaiting their time of awakening through the stimulus of an incoming ray.
A knowledge of the ray structure of some of the great individuals who have created our culture and civilization enables us to see how their rays made them what they were, conditioned their actions and qualities, and shaped their destinies. The science of psychology is in its infancy. It seeks to understand the workings of the human psyche, and in psychotherapy it works to alleviate the symptoms of stress and disorder. But until an understanding is reached of man as a soul in incarnation, governed by certain ray influences, much will remain obscure.
It is the soul which determines the rays (and therefore the influences and limiting factors) of the personality and its vehicles. The new psychology, today esoteric, will begin from that premise. (Spiritual.com)