Further Reading

Tuesday 14 December 2010

The Angel of Karma

Angel of Karma"; who to turn to when we have questions about Karmic Cycles, this angels name is: Vretil (Archangel). It is said of him that he is the wisest of all the angels. Variations of his name are: Vretiel, Vrevoil, and Pravuil. It is said that he is a sacred record keeper of all the knowledge and deeds of the Lord. This associates him with the well known Archangel Uriel and also the functions of the Egyptian god Thoth. Vretil's "official" title is "the arch-angelic keeper of the treasury of the Sacred Books". In this passage Vretil is known by the variation VrevoilV: "Vrevoil is described in the Second (Slavonic) Book of Enoch as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the archangels. It was Vrevoil who was supposedly commanded by the Lord to bring forth the books from the heavenly treasury and to dictate to Enoch unceasingly for thirty days and thirty nights; in the end, Enoch, using pen and ink provided by the angel, would write 366 books concerning virtually every form and kind of knowledge." He is often referred to in Enoch II as shown above and also in Ezra lore again being described as the "scribe of the knowledge of most high"; there are other references to this "title" such as in The Book of Enoch (pg. 28). Vretil is "equated with Dabriel, Uriel, Enoch, Radueriel, and Pravuil, and is associated or identified with "the man clothed in linen" (Ezekiel 9:2 et seq.)." Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. Vretil reminds us that our paths and the way we walk upon our path does have an impact not only ourselves but on the environment around us (our Self, people around us, the energy surrounding us, etc.). Obstacles and challenges that we encounter on our journey help to teach us lessons of compassion and love. Vretil helps guide and instruct us that what we give eventually we receive - if we want positive loving energies directed toward our Self (Inner) then we need to give in kind. (kimbasangels.com)