Further Reading

Sunday 5 December 2010

The Big Squeeze ... Enough!

The foundation of this whole process is to bankrupt countries, bankrupt populations and put them at the mercy of a reconstituted Rothschild-controlled banking system based on a world central bank that would dictate all global finance and oversee a single global electronic currency by imposing its policy on regional and national central banks.

The Rothschild network is also waiting for the price of land, resources and everything else to crash to cents-on-the-dollar prices before stepping forward to use their gold-laden assets to buy up vast tracts of the world and its economy – far beyond what even they own today.
They are planning to underpin this financial control with control of the food supply, which is why legislation is constantly being passed to target small farmers and those who grow their own food. The maxim is: control their pockets and control their bellies and you control their lives and actions.
The word to focus on here is ‘system’. The Rothschilds and the Illuminati control the banking and economic system and so they can't lose while that system is intact in some form. Individual banks going out of business or merging is no problem when you control the banking system.
For example, if you control American football, it doesn't matter if the Green Bay Packers triumph over the Dallas Cowboys or vice-versa because no matter what happens you control the game and so you can't lose unless the whole sport goes under.
The Rothschilds are manipulating to change the structure of global banking system by crashing it in its present form and replacing it with one that is fiercely centralised and so even more controllable by the few, and even more effective in imposing a global financial dictatorship.
It is time, long past the time, for us to say 'no more'. If we don't, we've seen nothing yet. (David Icke)