Further Reading

Saturday 11 December 2010

How to Become More Empathetic

In order to begin to develop empathic ability, it is essential to care how someone feels. When we have compassion, we attune to the needs and feelings of the person we want to help. When we resist the energies, need and feelings of another, it is pretty hard to really open your self to them enough to know what is going on. One for the best ways to develop compassion is to put your self in their shoes. What would it feel like to be them.. to have had their experiences, to live their lifestyle, etc. There is a practice of entrainment which can help you come into a simpatico with them. When you are working directly with a person, breathe with them.. at the same rate. imagine you can feel what they feel. It works the best if you can be in some form of physical contact with them, like holding their hand, or placing your hand on their heart chakra. Imagine your awareness sinks into their body. Notice what you see in your mind's eye, feel physically, and hear. Bring all of your senses to bear....read more...