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Thursday, 2 December 2010
The Law or Right to Decree. (Divine Invocation)
This particular law exists for those working in service to others. Self serving beings will find this law ineffective. This law allows the ascended realms to move from the confines of the Law of Non-Intervention to act on our behalf. Add the phrase to your decree, "Under the Law of Grace" as this is an 'out' clause which will not allow us to manifest or invoke anything which would be detrimental to our existence or not of the highest interest for all, and remain karmic free. In order for your decree to work it must be invoked three times. An Example - "By Divine Decree, in the name of (Yahweh, God, Jesus, Ascend Masters, healing Angels, Mother Mary, My I AM self, etc.) and under the Law of Grace, I ask for _____. It is done, and I thank you." Say the entire request three times, then let it go - trust it is in higher hands