Further Reading

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Wisdom Within

The soul can be likened to a great house with many rooms, each of which makes up an integral part of who we are. One of those rooms, or aspects, is what is known as the higher self, a part of us that possesses a range of perception far greater than that of the conscious mind. Your higher self is aware of both your current existence and numerous other possibilities, and cannot be altered or suppressed. It is related to your basic, innate purpose and no matter how much or how often you change, it remains constant. Some believe the higher self is the most evolved, most perfect "self" and thus can act as a guide on life's journey. In that role, it manifests itself in many ways: as images that flash in your mind inspiring ideas, as a small voice, as intuition, or as a feeling of rightness associated with certain actions. Becoming aware of and connecting with the higher self is comparable to becoming truly aware of oneself while feeling entirely integrated into the universe. It is like being in your body while looking down at your life from a high vantage point. With such insight, you can find the answers to many questions about your own life and the infinite existence. Connecting with the higher self, however, takes dedication, discipline, and practice. You may find it difficult because old emotional wounds or negative thoughts block your connection. One technique involves becoming "level" with the higher self through visualization. Begin by sitting in a chair with adequate support for the spine. Relax and breathe deeply. When you have achieved a level of deep calm, rise out of yourself, turn, and see your seated body before you. Visualize the higher self - it may appear as a point of white light above your head. Concentrate on it and slowly move it down to your physical body, letting it envelope you until it reaches the floor. Be sure to ground yourself after doing this exercise by eating a meal, or going out in nature. After connecting with their higher selves, many people report rediscovering their soul's purpose and feel comfortable living in accordance with it. On the other hand, it is possible to fight the higher self, which can lead to tension and lack of energy. Nonetheless, the higher self is our most open and wise "companion" in life, and a source of unadulterated insight, provided we have the perseverance to bond with it.